Titans of Industry Have Some Fun Analogies for Your Startup

Jeff Ma became one of the most famous people in his field after a movie came out about the exploits of his team. Ma was a member of the MIT Blackjack Team in the...

Analysts Conclude Latest US-China Rift Will Not Impact US Casino Operations in Macau

There is no doubt that 2020 has been a horrific year for most businesses, and this includes some aspects of the online industry, although it was proven once again that the online industry is...

Everything to Know About 2021 and Online Gambling in Canada

Canadians love gambling no less than other people. True gambling fans will be happy to know that online gambling in Canada is legal and has been pleasing players for more than 20 years. So,...

Commercial property tax reform coming to Halifax soon

If you're waiting for commercial property tax reform in Halifax, keep waiting. The province gave the city new taxing authority in 2015, but negotiations have been ongoing since 2017. Although several options for change were investigated...
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